Sunday, November 16, 2008

Living on the Cheap or a Grudge Match for the Ages

This weekend Kerra and I attended the Fusion conference in Dallas. It was a whole lot of fun and God stirred our hearts towards some pretty specific things, particularly regarding consumerism and the American Dream. We've both sensed for a while that our entrenchment in consumeristic practices, sometimes holds us back from living the dreams God has for us. We desperately want to live remarkable lives. So we've concocted a plan.

For the next two weeks Kerra and I will be competing against one another in a simple economic grudge match. But its not about who can make the most, or spend the most, or make the wisest investment. The question is, "who can spend the least amount of money over the next two weeks?" All our normal bills will be paid, but regarding food, entertainment and miscellaneous expenditures, we're trying not to spend. Our hope is to begin the process of weeding out frivolity from our budget with the intent of getting free of negative practices and loving the world economically. With the money left over at the end of the two weeks, we'll be making a donation to Compassion International, mainly so we don't turn around and spend it.

For all those who read this blog, please pray for us and encourage us along the way. We'll need it. Who knows, maybe this will turn into something much more. I hope it challenges us to think about our spending habits and helps us form new habits that honor Jesus.

Live Love.