Sunday, November 30, 2008

the end and the beginning...

So its been almost a week since I've posted, but the effects of tryptophan and football kept me out of commission for a bit. Anyway, Kerra and I are in the final couple of hours of our Living Cheap Challenge. I simply cannot express how meaningful these past two weeks have been for us. Kerra and I sat down over dinner earlier and discussed what we've learned. Here's a quick rundown.

1. Simplicity is largely foreign to most of us, and it is a gift.
2. We don't need as much as we think we do.
3. We spend gratuitous amounts of money on little stuff. iTunes. Cokes. Fast Food. Clothes. Starbucks.
4. The necessity of social spending and the non-necessity of private spending.
5. Clearing out the clutter of consumerism makes room for stuff that's meaningful. ie. conversation over a dinner at home
6. Taming the appetite for consumerism opens up our appetite for justice, mercy, and love.
7. When we act as a team, we're unstoppable. My wife is one Godly lady.
8. God will honor simplicity with the opportunity to make a difference for the Kingdom.

Needless to say, we'd recommend a consumerism fast for anyone hoping to evaluate what matters in life. We decided tonight to change our spending habits for good. Not a continuing fast, but a simplified lifestyle. The end of this challenge, but the beginning of a new way of life. Please continue to pray for us.

Oh and here's the final count. Our final two-week total was $102.97, leaving us the humble privilege of giving more than we could have ever imagined to one person and one cause we deeply believe in. And I ended up winning by $8.64. God is good.

Live Love.